About Us

Al Giombetti - Founder/CEO

Al is an innovative leader with more than 29 years of both domestic and international executive experience, in the automotive industry. His expertise includes marketing strategies, operational planning, parts distribution, joint ventures, strategic partnerships and franchise acquisitions.

Al specializes in advising CEO's and senior level executives. His industry expertise and reputation extends beyond automotive, he also advises CEO's in the social media, music, and educational industries as well.

Email: al@askgroupconsulting.com
Phone: (810) 360-9219

Don Sparkman - Advisory Board 

Don has a broad track record of success in a variety of positions with extensive automotive related experience. He has held numerous leadership positions, including marketing, sales, customer service, manufacturing operations and distribution.  Don currently serves as a consultant for business process outsourcing and technology deployment, for a call center management company.
